Impact of Russia's actions in Ukraine on NDSU researchers

In response to Russia's actions against Ukraine, the U.S. Government has imposed severe financial and export control restrictions on Russia and entities supporting the Russian government. These restrictions may affect future collaborations, agreements, and research projects from NDSU research operations. Businesses, banks, and individuals are now sanctioned by the U.S. Government due to their support of the government of Russia's actions in Ukraine. Conducting business activities with these parties, their subsidiaries, or family members may be prohibited. 

In addition, items that previously did not require a license will now require government authorization. Sanctions are intended to restrict technologies that would advance Russia's defense, maritime, and aviation growth so make sure to contact Export Controls before shipping or transferring any items or technology to Russia. 

If you have existing projects, are contemplating new projects, or have travel planned to this region, please contact Export Controls to discuss how these new requirements may impact planned activities

Congressional Research Services briefing documents
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