The Program

植物科学系提供为期四年的园艺课程,可获得理学学士学位. There are six horticulture options: horticulture science, landscape design, landscape management, production-business, sports and urban turfgrass management, and urban forestry and parks.


园艺课程提供辅修课程,对任何专业的学生开放. 园艺辅修课程是为那些想要更多地了解植物及其多种用途的学生开设的.

Career Opportunities

Production – producers of horticultural food crops for fresh consumption or processing; nursery and greenhouse production of food and ornamental crops; field positions for processing, marketing and seed companies; and plant propagation/tissue culture specialists. Salaries range from $45,000 - $80,000

Landscaping – planners, designers and installers of residential, commercial, public and recreational landscapes (both exterior and interior), employment with nurseries, landscape management and maintenance firms or private consultants. Salaries range from $45,000 - $80,000

Arborist or Urban Park Forester ——城市环境中木本植物的选择、种植和管理. Salaries range from $45,000 - $80,000

Park Management and Maintenance -在国家,州和地方公园系统,植物园和植物园的职位

Golf Course Superintendent – professional manager who manages the labor, time, 照料高尔夫球场上的草坪和景观场地所需的材料和财政资源. Starting as an assistant, 大学毕业生有可能在3 ~ 5年内成为正式的高尔夫球场负责人. Starting salaries range from $28,000 to $35,000, 全国校长的平均年薪超过80美元,000

Sports Turf Management -被委托经营和管理体育场地和设施的职业经理人. 运动场地包括棒球、足球、足球、长曲棍球、橄榄球、草地保龄球和板球. Salaries average around $44,000.

Lawn Care Operator -负责企业或建筑物周围景观和场地的培育和护理的职业经理. 草坪护理运营商构成了最大的单一群体的毕业生潜在的职业机会超过6,在美国,000家公司为数百万美国人的住宅草坪提供服务, commercial and institutional levels. Salaries range from $45,000 - $80,000

Facility Managers —维护一个组织的建筑物和场地的职业经理, directing staff and overseeing the upkeep of equipment and supplies. 设施经理确保建筑物和场地得到维护, 这需要每天和每周的减量改进和安全检查

Marketing -从事园艺产品的零售/批发分销和采购工作, 销售和分销园艺工业使用的用品和产品

Industry -园艺或肥料相关公司的管理和销售职位, seed, food and ornamental crops, pesticides, equipment, processing and packaging

Inspection -联邦或私人机构新鲜和加工产品的现场诊断和检查员

Research -在公共和私人机构担任现场和实验室研究技术人员的职位. Areas of research include horticultural plant breeding, pesticide evaluation, crop physiology, product testing and quality control, plant propagation and biotechnology

Communication – writers/editors for television, radio, magazines and newspapers

Teaching and Extension -通过教育和推广帮助种植者、行业和公众的推广人员

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Loans, scholarships, 助学金和勤工俭学计划可通过财政援助和奖学金办公室获得. 需要经济援助的学生可以联系经济援助和奖学金办公室或一站式.

植物科学系为新生提供15项园艺奖学金, sophomore, junior and senior years. 园艺和林业俱乐部每年也颁发三个奖学金. Additionally, 奖学金由农学院颁发给新生, Food Systems, and Natural Resources prior to enrollment. 奖学金也适用于在学院继续学习专业的学生. 所有学院和院系奖学金的申请可以在12月1日至3月1日期间在线申请, annually. Also, 许多本科生在学年期间兼职,在夏季的几个月里全职担任研究或教学助理.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Horticulture & Forestry Club -让喜欢植物的学生有机会聚在一起,参加与植物有关的有趣活动,包括:大学竞赛, field trips and networking opportunities. The club meets at least monthly. 大学竞赛和展览提供了教育和领导的机会. Field trips are made annually, 让学生接触各种园艺企业和潜在的工作机会. Club members propagate, 种植和出售花卉和观赏植物,为社交活动提供资金, field trips and scholarships. Majors and non-majors are welcome!