Be in Your Element

We offer access to research and educational experiences providing knowledge and skills that students need to build viable life-long careers in industry, academia or government.

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In Spring 2024, NDSU will be offering CHEM791: Green Chemistry!

Instructors: Dr. Mukund Sibi and Invited GuestsClass times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 – 10:45 am
Prerequisites: Undergraduate organic chemistry and laboratory

Anyone who is interested in the health of the planet through sustainable practices. This course will be of interest to people pursuing careers in industry, government, patent law, agriculture, pharmacy, and engineering.

Topics covered will include the green chemistry principles, green polymer chemistry, patent writing, catalysis, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, planetary boundaries, solar cells, plastic pollution, and more!



The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is seeking a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the broad area of Biochemsitry and/or Bioanalytical Chemistry.

For more information and to apply, CLICK HERE



The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is looking to hire a Professor of Practice to join our faculty.

For more information and to apply, CLICK HERE

PICNICS Summer Program (2023)

  • Are you considering a career in scientific research?
  • Wondering what it is like to work in a lab and conduct research?
  • Interested in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Coatings & Polymeric Materials?

The PICNICS Summer Program might be for you!

PICNICS is a program designed to expose high school students to research in the Chemical Sciences and stimulate their interest in science and math.

The program tentatively runs from June 19th to August 4th at NDSU.

If interested, please contact to discuss.

* Students who apply, are accepted into the PICNICS program, and participate for the duration of the program will receive a $500 stipend upon completion.

Be In Your Element at NDSU

At its core, chemistry is the study of matter and its properties. It is a central science that combines physics and math, biology and medicine, computation and experiment. Chemistry and biochemistry are fundamental to nearly every aspect of our lives, from the materials around us and the medicines that heal us, to the energy that sustains us. The study of chemistry provides a basis for understanding the physical universe around us. A degree in chemistry or biochemistry opens doors to a variety of paths including professional careers in medicine, materials science, research, energy technology, forensics, to name a few. Whether your goal is to be a research scientist, educator or entrepreneur, a degree in chemistry or biochemistry can provide the foundation for your success. 

Your future starts at NDSU. Visit us and see how you can Be in your Element.

Greg Cook, Chair

Why choose NDSU?

Our rigorous coursework, experienced academic advisors and supportive faculty and staff are dedicated to helping you succeed and graduate on time. You will have access to world class research, world class facilities and world class people to ensure your success.


Hear from our current students

Research in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary by nature.

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Statement of Solidarity

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry pledges to develop and uphold practices that support an inclusive environment and condemn hatred and racism. click here to read the full statement.

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